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Making a Quilt

Hello again friends,

I cannot believe we are at the start of another school year. The summer went by fast for me, did it feel the same way for you? The start of this year was a little different for me, I saw the kids on the first day of school, and then I traveled to Colorado to see some friends get married. I missed Thursday and Friday of the first week, but the kids were in good hands with a very capable substitute. While I was away the kids took a scavenger hunt of the classroom to get better acquainted with where materials are stored, and then they began their first project. Each school year I like the kids to make one small piece of artwork that can be added to a larger piece. This year we are making a quilt! We looked at different examples of quilts, and saw how some were symmetrical, some symbolized friendship, and some were abstract. Then the kids got to work and picked out materials they wanted to use on their quilt. The pieces are mostly mixed media collage, using decorative papers, magazines, glue, and our favorite- glitter glue! I am excited to get everyone's squares put together in one large quilt and on display soon.


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